Our cutting-edge treatment offers a permanent solution to tooth loss. Aging often leads to tooth loss, but with modern advancements in dentistry, it's no longer an irreversible condition. Our dental implants in Bourbonnais, IL provide a natural-looking and sensation-filled alternative to dentures. Picture yourself enjoying all your favorite foods without worrying about the limitations caused by tooth loss or uncomfortable dentures.
For those missing all their teeth, our implant-supported full bridge or denture in Bourbonnais, IL can restore your smile. Unlike conventional dentures, dental implants not only replace lost natural teeth but also mimic lost roots, offering unparalleled durability and functionality. Every patient's needs differ, impacting the treatment plan, number of implants required, healing duration, and cost. Consult with our experts at Dr. Raffi Dentistry to explore the best options tailored just for you!
Compared to traditional dentures, dental implants stand as the gold standard for tooth replacement, offering a multitude of unparalleled advantages. Unlike conventional dentures, dental implants replicate not only the visible tooth but also replace the roots, safeguarding your bone structure. Traditional dentures fail to preserve the bone as they lack root stimulation, causing gradual bone resorption and the subsequent loosening of the denture. However, dental implants seamlessly integrate into the jawbone, stimulating it and effectively preventing resorption.
Beyond mirroring the natural look and function of real teeth, implant-supported bridges or dentures boast exceptional stability, ensuring a more comfortable and secure fit for enhanced chewing and biting capabilities.
Extensive studies show that implant-supported bridges or dentures surpass traditional dentures in both aesthetics and maintenance in Bourbonnais, IL. While traditional dentures lead to bone loss, resulting in jawbone recession and an unsightly smile, implant-supported alternatives maintain facial structure integrity. Patients commonly struggle with eating, speaking, and experiencing reduced taste sensations with traditional dentures. Furthermore, reliance on sticky adhesives for denture stability becomes unnecessary with the stability and solidity of implant-supported bridges or dentures. Experience the transformative difference of dental implants for a radiant smile and optimal oral function at Dr. Raffi's office.